My name is Jessica Cumberland and I am excited to share with you that I am the 4K teacher here at Sacred Heart Catholic School! I am extremely grateful and blessed to be a part of the positive, inspiring, and faith led team.
A little about me professionally, I graduated from the University of Wisconsin La Crosse in 2009 with a Bachelor's Degree in Exercise Sport Science. I received my teaching license in early childhood through adolescents: Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education. I have been teaching Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education for thirteen years total. Twelve of my thirteen years I have spent here in the Shawano School District teaching elementary general physical education and adapted physical education at both the elementary and middle school levels. As most teachers do, I have also had a few side gigs. I have served as a Shawano High School Volleyball Coach at a variety of levels, created and taught programs through the Shawano Recreation Department and have been teaching fitness classes at Shawano Total Fitness for the last seven years.
Personally; I am originally from Manitowoc, Wisconsin. My parents and my one brother still reside in that area. I relocated to Shawano in 2011 to begin my career in the Shawano School District. I have been married to my husband Matt for 9 years. Together, we have two daughters Ellie Mae and Rylea Grace. Both of our girls attend Sacred Heart and have since age three. I appreciate watching our children grow not only academically but in their faith, just as I was raised in a Catholic school from Kindergarten through Twelfth grade. We currently reside in Shawano and have one dog; Tinkerbell Daisy Cumberland.
Once again, I am proud and honored to be joining the Sacred Heart team. I look forward to not only helping our students grow their minds, bodies, and faith but also growing myself. I truly believe God is guiding me, watching over me, and trusting me in this new adventure.
Thank you Sacred Heart Family for this opportunity, I look forward to this school year