Knights of Columbus stand forth as a shining example of the role of the Catholic Laity in the life of the Church”
...Blessed Pope Francis
This service organization sponsors several fundraising events to provide funds for parish and community outreach. Events include a Tootsie Roll Drive for Lakeland Industries, two Porkie-Pancake Breakfasts, Youth Programs, and Banquets, and we participate in the Annual Parish Picnic in August.
Membership & Activities
Grand Knight: Charles Ketchum
Deputy Grand Knight: Lee Bosdeck
Financial Secretary: Troy Sadler
Fraternal Year: 2018-2019
Bishop Fox Council #2836 was chartered on June 8, 1941. The Council serves the parishes of Sacred Heart (Shawano) and Saint Martins (Cecil). Council activities benefit both the members of the Parishes as well as members of the greater community. The Council currently has 116 members, and is continuing to grow.
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm inside Sacred Heart Catholic Church (321 S. Sawyer St.– Shawano)